The Southern California Railway
"From the Mountains to the Desert to the Sea."
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Operations on the Southern California Railway is built around First, Second and Third trick sessions. Its alway high perishable season in 1964. A crew of six plus dispatcher and trainmaster, or assistant superintendent, round out a typical crew. Individuals chalk up jobs on a call board and the dispatcher calls the mainline trains operated by the Southern Pacific, Santa Fe and Union Pacific. In addition, there is an Indio yard job around the clock, a Mountain local, and day and night roadswitches based at Miraflores and Santa Ana. A standard waybill card system keeps track of each car and where it is to be moved. These are augmented by conductor's switch lists and "see no failure" teletype messages for specific requests or job descriptions. On the mainline, train movements are governed by the dispatcher under Centralized Traffic Control Signalling. A typical session takes about 8 hours.
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